Pembroke Titans Against Drugs (PTAD) is excited to announce a new free and confidential mental health and substance use referral call line available starting July 1, 2023 to Pembroke residents, called Interface Referral Service.

By calling 888-244-6843 Monday through Fridays from 9am-5pm, a trained counselor will help to match you with a professional psychologist in our area who specializes in the mental health or behavioral health problem that you or a loved one is experiencing. For more information about Interface Referral Service and resources they have to offer, please visit their website here.

True Titan Scholarship Application

Scholarship Mission: The True Titan Scholarship will provide assistance to a senior student residing in Pembroke who has been a good role model, and has advocated for making good decisions in difficult situations that teens face in our community through supporting the PTAD goals.

Scholarship application deadline is April 15, 2024

Our 3 Goals

  1. Provide formal education for all local youth of the risks, dangers and susceptibility of substance abuse.
  2. Encourage healthy decisions, healthy lifestyles, & healthy relationships, confidence, and individuality for community youth.
  3. Provide direction for families seeking help in dealing with the stressors & challenges due to addicted loved ones.

Get Involved!

We operate purely on volunteerism, with financial support from our sponsors.

We are always looking for more members to join our cause. If you are interested, considering coming to one of our meetings. Full list of meeting dates.

Thank you to our Platinum Sponsor